Barb (Barbara) Stroud

Barb Stroud

Barb grew up in Philadelphia, but moved to Oregon at age 23.  She cannot think of a better place to live, so she’s still here!  Jon and she found each other in the mid 70s. He was into backpacking and hiking and introduced her to both. They are lucky enough to have been able to retire early and travel extensively world-wide since the year 2000.

Barb’s work background is in Finance and Systems in the Tech sector, which led to a natural fit volunteering to help GSOC in the treasurer’s position and in transitioning GSOC’s membership system from Google Sheets to Wild Apricot.

She has no formal education in geology, but soils (‘Tree Hugging Dirt Worshipper’) have interested her in respect to gardening and the environment.  It is a very short distance from traveling, hiking and gardening to ROCKS!  So when she was invited to a GSOC meeting by her step-mother and partner (Jan Kem), Jon and she went and really enjoyed themselves.  They joined GSOC and have attended one or more events nearly every year since.  Geesockers rock!