Carole Miles

Carole Miles

Carole’s interest in Geology began when she made the connection that her favorite grandfather was a grandson of Thomas Condon, Oregon's premier geologist. At a community college in California she took all available geology courses then decided to pursue a B.S. in geology at the University of Oregon where, in 1876, Condon was one of the University’s first professors. Her career path changed when she realized, two weeks prior to beginning a masters program in micropaleontology, that she would most likely be employed by an oil company. Following an enjoyable forty year career as a Medical Technologist managing hospital Blood Banks, she retired and pursued certification as an Oregon Master Naturalist. She now spends her time in Gresham, OR with her husband plotting when they can return to France to see their two grandsons, studying French and Geology, volunteering for environmental organizations as a master naturalist, hiking, gardening, and writing a blog about the amazing interconnections we find in nature ( She enjoys serving on the GSOC board with a wonderful group of like-minded geology enthusiasts.