GSOC Board Meeting Notes: February 2019

President Paul Edison-Lahm called the meeting to order at his home. Other board members in attendance constituting quorum were Dawn Juliano, Sheila Alfsen, Rik Smoody, Larry Purchase, and Megan Faust (appearing remotely). Minutes of the December 2018 board meeting were approved.


Friday night lectures

Audio system – in order to resolve our continuing Friday night lecture audio problems, we have ordered the brand of wireless lavalier microphone used by PSU through the PSU Geology Department.

The old digital projector given up for dead last year has been completely revived thanks to Patty Hyatt and her electronically-inclined husband! Discussion of what to do with what is now our second operating projector was tabled for now, but in the meantime we will order an HDMI converter to make the projector useful for all modern computers.

The board discussed the format of the annual ‘Our Year in the Field’ lecture and whether it should occur in December or January.

Sheila and Paul have speakers planned for April, May, June, and July. The decision about our August speaker was tabled to coincide with discussion about our August Annual Picnic venue.

Yumei Wang Le Val Lund Lecture (November 8, 2019) “Earthquakes, Disasters, and Resilience”. Plans are continuing for this event.

Field Trips and Other Events


Mary’s Peak/Coast Range Trip: The reconnaissance has been completed for this trip and it will occur in July.

Wallowas Trip June 19-24: The board approved the designation of this trip as the “President’s Trip.” Discussion of our registration policy and limits to field trip attendance was tabled.

Metro trips Downtown (May, Oct), Eastside Bike (June 29), Johnson Creek (Sept.) (Paul): Paul will be setting a May date for the Spring Downtown trip to avoid colliding with June events.

Lewis River: Rik determined a date for this one-day trip to be August 17.


Annual Banquet: The board has offered complimentary banquet tickets to Geology Department Office Manager Alisa Humphrey and guest and to geology faculty members as well.

Annual Picnic: Date set at August 11.

GSA Cordillera Meeting May 15-17, 2019; Sheila will be presenting on Puerto Rico at the AWG breakfast May 17.

Other Old and New Business

Treasurer's Report submitted by Dawn and approved by board.

Earthquake Committee: Paul will be writing an article on recent developments in Cascadia earthquake policy, including Oregon SB 95 (Critical Energy Infrastructure), Portland’s URM controversy, Rep. DeFazio’s Pacific Northwest Earthquake Preparedness Act, and other OSSPAC developments.

Newsletter: Since we understand that Carol will be transitioning toward focusing more on her in-depth article writing rather than editing the newsletter, we will want to consider the prospect of ending the print version. While some form of printed version will continue to be needed by the handful of members who require it, we discussed notifying and terminating the printed newsletter for our institutional subscribers. Discussion tabled for now.

Next board meeting will be on April 13, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at Barbara Stroud’s house.

Notes compiled by GSOC Secretary Carol Hasenberg from minutes written by Paul Edison-Lahm.