Board Meeting Notes: August 10, 2019

President Sheila Alfsen called the meeting to order at Barbara Stroud’s home. Other board members in attendance were Barbara Stroud, Dawn Juliano, Paul Edison- Lahm, Julia Lanning, Dennis Chamberlin and Carol Hasenberg, constituting quorum. Minutes of the June 2019 board meeting were approved.


Friday night lectures

Sept 13th – Nick Zentner will speak on Supervolcanoes of the Pacific NW in Cramer 53.

Oct 11th – Speakers engagement in progress.

Yumei Wang Le Val Lund Lecture (November 8, 2019) “Earthquakes, Disasters, and Resilience”. Paul arranged for Jonna Papaefthimiou of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management to be on the panel, and Yumei has secured funding for the room rental in Smith Center and is finding other panel members. Paul will introduce Yumei at the meeting.

Holiday Party and Our Year in the Field: We plan to have music, the Year in the Field show, and a potluck on December 14. Paul is the lead planner for the event to be held at Woodstock Wine and Deli.

Field Trips and Other Events


Wallowa Mountains, Hells Canyon and Surrounding Terrain: Carol will continue to sell printed field trip guides until only two will remain for the library. Cost is $10 and she will bring copies to the September meeting.

Annual Picnic 2019: small turnout of 27 people, $235 collected in donations. Board agreed to do registration for this event next year in order to predict the number coming. The projector and new screen worked well in the outdoor conditions.


Metro trips: Johnson Creek (Sept 28) (Paul): Plans in progress. Downtown North (October 5). Registration for both trips will open August 23.

Lewis River: August 17. Seventeen participants have signed up.

Mt. St. Helens Helicopter trip: Scheduled now for August 24. Enrollment is limited by requirement of 3 per ride. Unfilled cancellations will not be refunded. Current signup – 12.

Sunstone Mines (2020): Emily Calhoun would like to lead this trip and have a number of grad students come along.

Other possible trips being reviewed for 2020 are Clackamas River Canyon, Mt. Hood Faults, John Day Rafting and tourmaline hunting.


85th Annual Banquet: March 8th, at PSU’s Smith Center; no other plans yet.

Other Old and New Business

New Meetings:

The Board voted to go back to monthly board meetings beginning in 2020. We would like to continue to invite past board members and other volunteers or involved members to attend. Meanwhile, the board will have another informal Board meeting at Woodstock Wine and Deli on September 21st at 2 pm.

Meet-up meeting: September 21 from 12 to 2 at Woodstock Wine and Deli.

Treasurer's Report submitted by Dawn and approved by board.

Bylaws: there are several items that need to be addressed in the bylaws, including changes from last year and newsletter references. In addition, dues, expenditure approval, and member classifications also need to be updated. Barb and Carol will work on this in the fall.

Member Management Software: Barb and Paul researched this and recommended the Wild Apricot platform. This platform has the capability of managing memberships, creating and distributing emails and other publications, archives of club info and even hosting a website.

The board voted to proceed with a Wild Apricot subscription beginning in October 2019 at the rate of $50/month, which will handle membership until we exceed 250 members (current level of paid members is about 135).

Barb and Paul will implement the system, with the goal being to set up in time for membership renewals by the end of the year.

Newsletter: Carol has resigned her role as newsletter editor effective at the end of 2019. She will continue with the roles of historian and archive manager and contribute articles to the website.

The board voted to discontinue the bimonthly newsletter, replace it with an annual archive publication, and to notify recipients of the printed newsletter of this with the final two mailings.

The board is looking for volunteers for several components of the newsletter that will need to be updated and available to membership, either on the website or as emails to members:

  • Calendar – schedule of club activities and information.

  • Club news – in memoriams, outreach events, board meeting notes, new members, board member contact info.

Next board meeting: October 12, at Barbara Stroud’s house.

Notes compiled by Carol Hasenberg from minutes written by GSOC Secretary Barbara Stroud.