Board Meeting Notes

June 13, 2015

President Janet Rasmussen called the meeting to order at the home of Rosemary Kenney. Other board members in attendance constituting quorum were Bo Nonn, Paul Edison-Lahm, Lawrence Purchase, Kirben Smoody, Sheila Alfsen, and John Piccinnini. Also in attendance was GSOC member Doug Rasmussen. The minutes of the April 11th, 2015 board meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Submitted earlier by Dawn): Approved by the board.


Board consensus was reached that we should charge more for the field trips and increase our donation to PSU from $800 to $1000. Janet will email Sheila about increasing our PSU donation to $1000 and securing lecture arrangements. Surveying our membership was also discussed. We should think about what burning questions we have for our members, such as the cost and location of field trips, other social activities, etc.

Friday Night Lectures: Snack committee discussion deferred.


Mt. Hood Field Trip: Trip is still open. One day option is available. Larry will be getting more info to Paul for the website.

Downtown Geology field trip: (Paul) Yesterday’s collaborative Meetup architectural and geology downtown tour with Eric Wheeler netted GSOC $80. The board approved using Meetup for a limited period to promote Friday night lectures and those field trips that are open to the public, such as the Downtown PDX Geology Tour and the Portland Geology Tour.

President’s Field Trip to Steens Mountain: Janet did another pre-run of the trip and will make some further adjustments. She has scheduled an archeologist to make a presentation. Trip registration is now closed.

Portland Geology Field Trip Sheila is fine-tuning the route of this trip. She may research the meteorite at OHSU. Bo can present his research on the MAX station core. Alternately Sheila’s Rocks on the Block field trip is also ready to go.

Annual Picnic will be August 12:00. Board meeting will convene at 10:00 a.m. [Potluck assignments are as follows: If your last name begins with A through G bring a main dish; H through P bring a side dish or salad; Q through Z bring dessert.]


Janet has purchased a new and better insurance policy that will cover our field trips.

Community Outreach – Sheila paid last night’s Pizzicato tab for our speaker and the PSU AEG/CORIBA presidents. Sheila will be reimbursed from the treasury.

Student outreach. Kirben will do a presentation on GSOC for PSU students.

Media Committee: Paul will form committee to bring together members working on the newsletter, website, FB, Twitter, MeetUp, and photography.

Offer from Courtyard Village in Raleigh Hills Sheila has given talks at Courtyard Village and they are offering us the opportunity to use their venue for meetings and events.

The next board meeting is 10:00 a.m., August 2nd, 2015 at Guy Talbot State Park before the Annual Picnic.

Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC Secretary Paul Edison-Lahm.